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 Dinner at Wildwind 

Dimitri convinces Brooke to have dinner with him and his family at Wildwind.

Here's a scene where Edmund lets Dimitri know he is worried that Dimitri will hurt Brooke.

This is during Brooke's murder trial and Dimitri invited her to Wildwind for dinner. Gillian, Scott, Ryan, Edmund and Eugenia are all at the table. Dimitri flirts with Brooke all through dinner and Edmund gives them the evil eye through it all, although neither Brooke nor Dimitri seems to notice. After dinner Brooke walks Scott out to his car and Edmund and Dimitri have this conversation. 

Brooke and Dimitri flirt all through dinner.

As Edmund watches them.

Edmund: She's an amazing woman isn't she?

Dimitri: That she is.

Edmund: Is that why you set your sights on her?

Dimitri: Come on Edmund.

Edmund: Does the name Gloria ring a bell?

Dimitri: Alright, what does Gloria have to do with Brooke?
Edmund: Beautiful, smart, intelligent, vulnerable. Damsel in distress. Suddenly, big, bad Dimitri and his big white horse rides to the rescue. Sound familiar? Same plot, same hero. So tell me is Brooke your new leading lady?

Dimitri: This is none of your business.

Edmund: Listen, bro, it's me. Is she next on your list?

Dimitri: Did you have too much to drink?

Edmund: I'm as sober as a judge.

Dimitri: So what is this my baby brother asking if my intentions are honorable?

Edmund: I worry about her.

Dimitri: Yeah. Yeah. So do I. Brooke has had a terrible year with possibly much worse to come.

Edmund: (angry) Yes. Which is why she needs to be surrounded by people who care about her, who will put her needs first.

Dimitri: (angry) I'm not included in that group?

Edmund: Oh, come on, man. Your reputation is not exactly altruistic.

Dimitri: I see and since man is incapable of change, of learning from his mistakes, in walks the good brother lest she succumb to my nefarious delights.

Edmund: Hey, it's not just me. Phoebe's concerned as well.

Dimitri: Oh so I'm being shadowed by a legion of Brooke English fans.

Edmund: Look, when you put your arms around a girl people are going to notice.

Dimitri: Oh, come on Edmund. I lent Brooke my jacket, she was cold. Not that it's any of your business what we did at that reception or anything else.

Edmund: (Yelling) Yes it is my business because I care deeply about Brooke.

Dimitri: (Also yelling) Oh, as opposed to me, the elder, evil brother who just wants to jump on Brooke's bones.

Edmund: Maybe.


Brooke walked in just in time to hear Dimitri talk about jumping her bones.

Brooke: As the potential jumpee maybe I could add something to this conversation.

Edmund: Dimitri and I were having just a difference of opinion.

Brooke: About me.

Dimitri: Edmund is worried that my intentions toward you are strictly dishonorable.

Brooke: Are they?

Dimitri: No.

Brooke: Not even the least little bit?

Dimitri: I suppose they could be if you wanted them to be.

Brooke: Oh, good, good, because we've been spending so much time together that this excuse about, you know, using me to improve your image, it's just, it was wearing a little thin.
Dimitri: So, you picked up on something else, huh?

Brooke: As a matter of fact, yes.

Edmund: Alright. Great guys. Did you prepare this little skit before I got here?

Dimitri: Did we rehearse this?

Brooke: Oh, I would've remembered rehearsing with you.

Dimitri: So, ah, so would I.

Edmund: You are kidding, right?

Dimitri: Oh, are we kidding about this very serious subject?
Brooke: Well, we could do some research. We could go back to...

Edmund: Okay. Hold it. Hold it right there. You're, you're interested in my brother?

Dimitri: You see my brother thinks that I want to take advantage of you and in this current state you're in you'll succumg to the devastating Marick charm.

Brooke: Oh. So charming and so humble.

Sam runs into the room.

Sam: Daddy, daddy.

Edmund: Hey buddy, how you doing? You couldn't sleep, huh? What've you got here, a book? It's a pretty big book.

Dimitri: Ah, Edmund. Brooke's honor is safe with me. Go.

Edmund: Let's go. We'll go read a book. Maybe we'll find a story with a couple of straight answers. What do you think, huh?

Edmund leaves with Sam and Brooke and Dimitri laugh hysterically.

Click here to see a web page devoted to Brooke and Dimitri.


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