Here's another very sweet scene between Brooke, Dimitri & Edmund when Brooke and Dimitri were dating. Brooke was on trial for murder for killing Jim Thomasen. The scene takes place at Brooke's house. Dimitri and Brooke have been out together and after they arrive at her front door Edmund shows up with a lame excuse about taking a walk.
Dimitri: Edmund.
Edmund: I was in the neighborhood. Thought I'd take a little walk.
Dimitri: So, ah, thought you'd, ah, just drop by, right?
Edmund: I hope it's okay.
Brooke: Edmund you're always welcome.
They all go inside.
Brooke: Listen, would either of you like ah, tea or brandy?
Dimitri: No. Nothing for me.
Edmund. No, thanks.
Brooke: Alright. Would you excuse me? I'm just going to check my voice mail.
 She leaves and Edmund confronts Dimitri.
Edmund: What'd you do to her?
Dimitri: What kind of question is that?
Edmund: It's a fair one. She looks like she's been poleaxed. Dimitri: Ah, well, what did you expect Edmund? The trial starts tomorrow. Did you want her to do a little jig for you?
Edmund: Clearly the Marick charm didn't raise her spirits.
Dimitri: Look I stay out of your social life and you stay out of mine. Remember? I'm going home Edmund. Tell Brooke I'll see her tomorrow.
Dimitri leaves and Brooke comes back.
Brooke: Where's Dimitri? Edmund: He had to go. He said he'd see you tomorrow. So what did my big brother do to you now?
They go in and sit on the couch.
 Brooke: Dimitri's been...he's been wonderful.
Edmund: Well, you know he has been known to come on a
little strong. So if you want him to back off a little you say the word, okay? (He nudges her with his shoulder).
Brooke: What happened with the two of you? When you were trapped together.
Edmund: Oh. It was a nightmare. I was handcuffed to the wall and my brother was force feeding me an apology.
Brooke: (Laughs and rubs Edmund's back) Well, I guess it was a miracle you survived.
Edmund: Mm, hmm. Yeah, I got mad and it's a good thing too, because you can live for a week without eating, three days without water, but tap into anger and you can just go forever.
Brooke: I think the point is that you didn't get anywhere, cause... Why are you still so angry at him?
Edmund: Um, something he said last night. It was typical Dimitri-pompous, arrogant. He said I had mourned Maria enough and it was time to get on with my life.
Brooke: Are you ready?
Edmund: Damned if I know.
Brooke: When it's time you'll know.
Edmund: You know you got a big day tomorrow. (He rubs her back and they stand).
They put their arms around each other and walk towards her front door.
